Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Android emulator reports unknown virtual device name

Android emulator reports unknown virtual device

Are you getting the following error:
emulator: ERROR: unknown virtual device name: 'Android21Device'
emulator: could not find virtual device named 'Android21Device'

Well the emulator is C app and the android tool is a Java app so they
have slightly different ways to get your user profile directly.

Out of curiosity, if you do a "set" under a command-prompt, what is
your USERPROFILE variable?

Your best solution is to define a global environement variable ANDROID_SDK_HOME.

To do that: Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings

> Environment Variables. Create a new user one called

"ANDROID_SDK_HOME" and set it to the path where you want .android to
be created, e.g. maybe "d:\"

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1 comment:

Prodigy Piyush said...

Thanks mate...your advice was to the point and it worked like a charm. :)