Monday, August 25, 2008

XML Serialization

Nice article about how to Serialize and DeSerialize objects in XML. This is really handy when you want to make saving objects very versatile and not database dependent. Below is a list of additional reasons to use XML Serialization.

  • Storing user preferences in an object.
  • Maintaining security information across pages and applications.
  • Modification of XML documents without using the DOM.
  • Passing an object from one application to another.
  • Passing an object from one domain to another.
  • Passing an object through a firewall as an XML string.
  • Source (

To make objects serializable, I create an XSD schema that represents my object. You know, contract first, then code last.

Then I use a code generator that will generate a .NET class that makes my object XML serializable. Its called XSD Object Generator which is a plug in for Visual Studio. You can download the tool from here:

Then you can create a XML serializer and deserializer helper classes. These classes will take an object in memory and serialize it to an XML stream or hydrate a XML stream to an object. I usually hook in a Database helper class and save the XML string to the database for later use.

Have fun! Let me know if this makes sense.

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